What to do when you are being haunted

After watching a lot of horror movies, we keep seeing flaws and what the person should do and what not to do, right? So let me tell you what I saw and gonna do in this situation.



As many movies do, the person being haunted or being followed usually screams out loud but in real life when you see a ghost, you won’t scream, why? Because you’re in shock thinking “What is happening? What is this thing? Why is he killing me” that lot because you’re trying to sink in what’s happening right now and your face should look like you’re shocked.


You’re being followed by a ghost or a killer, what’s the use of running? Ghosts can go through walls and Killers can catch you fast. So what do we need to do? we need to fight! give it everything we can. For Ghosts, find its bones, salt and burn or have Iron with you and salt. for Killers, well take everything you see in your place, a vase, a book even a pillow, why a pillow? in case the guy have guns or knives, you can use it as a protector, a vest perhaps, it’s softness will slow down any weapon hit to you, instead ones on the head. So my lesson to you is, Stop running and keep on fighting.

Alleyways and dark places

As we can all see, while the victim is being followed by someone, they tend to go to deep, dark alleyways where no one can see them. Well, that is false right! because when you’re followed by someone, don’t go to alleyways, Why? because no one will be there to save, protect or even see you so I say, go to a mall or an urban place or anywhere with lots of people and stay in a crowd. Let’s say you’re in a rural place and no malls or crowds and they’re all asleep, you should go to anyone you see, walk on the road for cars and tend to fight.

Jewelry and suspicious things

what do we do when we see jewelry. of course pick it up, only 2/10 people tend to give it back but you should leave it all alone. Why? because it may belong to someone dead or bad luck and when you have it, don’t bother regretting why you took it in the first place. What to do? Well take a sticky note or paper and put it on top of it saying “Don’t Steal, It’s cursed” if they did steal it, well, you did gave them warning, didn’t you?

Very Friendly friend

Not all friends are friendly because they like you, they sometimes be friendly to remove accusations on them for example, “Oh hey look, where’s my money, I’m so gonna kill the guy who stole it” and the man says “Okay, be chill bruh, let’s find it and it’s because we’re friends right?” and there you are, so friendly in a suspicious way. When friends act that way, they maybe the enemy of your story so keep watch, stay vigilant and trust everyone no wait, Trust No one.

Stay and remain…

Hey, you’re trapped in a room where the villain mostly comes to it to do something, don’t stay calm and wish not to be killed. In times like this, mind isn’t involved otherwise your strength, come up with a plan, time his goings and leavings, get weapons from things around you, find their weaknesses, come up with a surprise ambush and Plan from Plan A all the way to Plan Z and fight like I told you before.

Going back to Ground Zero

Going back to where it all started can be completely meaningless. I know what you’re thinking, you person sitting and thinking “Going back to Ground Zero can help you find more clues to what really happened” Well it is and it can also lead you to your death. Clues or Death? sure, with clues you can tell others what it is and what you should do, but who’s going to do that when you’re dead?

Clues found by someone else

What does this mean? If you haven’t notice, when someone is being haunted and you asked somebody to do some research, have you notice that they always die? Why? because they have info that was not meant for the people to be seen so if they die, it’s on you! do your own research, find about it faster and don’t, pls, don’t be the source of that person’s death!

Leaving your friend

yeah, real mature. Leaving your haunted friend in a dark alley or in a room, real safety procedure, don’t go crying when they bury her dead okay! Never!!! NEVER EVER NEVER NEVER EVER EVER NEVER!!! Leave your friend alone, you need to go somewhere else, make the person come with you! You are with him/her to be his/her protector and entertainer so don’t leave the man dude!!!

Hey I’m being haunted, let’s use the elevator/Stairs

Do Not! I repeat, Do Not use these things to going to your room, instead go to someone else’s your friend’s, your family’s or even go to the mall, like I said, don’t go dark corners where you’re vulnerable.

Hey, I’m haunted, I’ll stay in my house and be lonely and I’ll be safe!

No! That’s not the way! Call some friends, throw a party and stay off the garage, watch Scream and you’ll know what I’m talking about.

Speaking of garage, here’s my list of where to go and must avoid places.

Where to go: Mall, Friend’s house, Plaza, Party, Fiestas, Urban places, Restaurants and weapons store

Must Avoid!!!: Graveyard, deep alleyways, dark roads, abandoned structures, Garage, Ground Zero, Elevators, Stairs, Bathrooms, Attics and the most need to be avoided, the BASEMENT!!!!!

That’s all for today, stop running keep fighting and stay safe. Ciao

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