Favorite Movie?

Well, in one point of your life, people will ask you “Hey, what’s your favorite movie?” well, for those who explodes their minds just for thinking what they’re favorite movie is, then, you’re not alone…

FOR THIS BLOG, I’m gonna pick my 5 most favorite movie in  my 4 favorite different genres and then point out which I really love more and what I think.

For people who wants to know the genres is, well this is it:  Book-Based movies, Sci-Fi (Not including those in the Book-Based), Horror and comic book movie of DC and Marvel. SO let’s start


Book Based Movies

What is these? DUDE! have you watch Harry Potter and read it? or did you just watch it? These are Movies that came from books, like Harry Potter. Started as a Book and ended up as a movie although we’ll base more of the movies for people who still haven’t read those books, now will we please move on now?!

My 5 Favorite series of Book-Based Movies

  1. Harry Potter

2.  Percy Jackson

3.  The Hobbit

4. The Lord Of The Rings

5. The Hunger Games

Harry Potter


A Life of a young boy who was sent by an invitation and was invited to join the school of wizardry and witchcraft called, Hogwarts. I know that when we were kids we dreamed about going here and being a wizard or a witch, not the wizard of Oz or the witch of the west but to learn the spells to make life easier. Like when you locked your house and you left your key inside, we’ll simply say “Alohomora” or when we are angry with some one we’ll simply say “AVADA KEDAVRA!!” just kidding, you need to say “Crucio” first to the man before saying Avada Kedavra. We all know Harry Potter right, so let’s move on.

Percy Jackson


There have still been only two movies of these books, the first one is the “Lightning Thief” the second one is “The Sea of Monsters” Let’s focus on the first one. Percy, son of Poseidon, half-human, half-god together with his friend, Grover, half-human, half-goat was attacked by a centaur commanded by Zeus after thinking that he stole the lightning of Zeus and they went in Camp Half-Blood for safety leaving his mother with Hades because humans can’t enter this camp. He meets a new friend, Annabeth. The three of them is now handling 2 problems at a time. The Lightning Thief and Percy’s mother.

The Hobbit


The Prequel to the original trilogy of Frodo and Sam. This now encircles with Bilbo Baggins, the uncle of Frodo. Back then before Frodo got the ring, a lot has happened. Bilbo joined the company of Thorin, the dwarves, after being invited by Gandalf the Wizard to steal the Arkenstone at Erebor from the dragon, Smaug. they went through trials, on they’re way, Bilbo met Gollum and played riddles to escape him, he met different creatures and elves and more. He even joined a war, an actual war, the battle of the five armies.


 The Lord Of The Rings


This is the original trilogy, the story of Frodo, Sam, Merri and Pippin. The story is about the one ring that they will now burn and destroy at the volcano it was forged, but something stands in their way. Goblins, orcs, even the white wizard himself named Saruman and The Necromancer, Sauron. Together with Legolas, Gimli, Boromir, Gandalf and the king, Aragorn. together they formed the fellowship of the ring and they are now about to reach trials and save Middle-Earth forever…

Hunger Games


the story of Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Melark who was chosen to fight for the Hunger games because they were hungry and there was nothing else to eat…. just kidding, hunger games is a game made by the Capitol and their president, President Snow. Controlled by gamemasters such as Plutarch Heavensbee and Seneca Crane. they now are set to battle different people from different districts.


most accurate to the books: Harry Potter

Most child-Friendly: Harry Potter

Not so Child-Friendly: Hunger games

great story: Hobbit

Great characters: Hobbit

More mythical: Percy Jackson

Family Favorite: Harry Potter

My most favorite is Harry Potter and the next one is Hobbit.


What is Sci-Fi, this includes Fiction mixed with Science, Science Fiction duh. These are fiction that is also connected to science like Star Wars.

  1. Star Wars

2. Star Trek reboot

3. Back To The Future

4. Artificial Intelligence

5. The Martian

6. Edge of Tomorrow

Star Wars


Star Wars, we all know this too, lightsabers, Darth Vader, “I am your father”, Luke and Leia, Kylo Ren, Obi-Wan kenobi, Yoda, Han solo, Boba Fett and Death Star, hello! ring a bell?

Star Trek


After the old series and movies, they had made a new reboot where Spock from the future went back in time and so as Nero, the villain, causing a break in the chain of events and making up new events, events like, Kirk never met his father, Kirk didn’t became an instant captain, and Spock and Kirk wasn’t friends but that was before, in Star Trek Beyond their friends now. They’re source of transportation instead of a millenium falcon, they use, the USS Enterprise. They’re story are not usually about politicians and politics unlike Star Wars, they focus on deep space exploration and adventures. There are shirt colors for each officer. Yellow is for captains and command, blue is for medical and science while red is for engineers and security. Kirk, Sulu(Not Han Sulu), Chekov and a lot more is a yellow shirt, Spock, Bones, Uhura and others are a blue shirt whilst Scotty, Cupcake and others is a red shirt.You should watch it. There’s a new series of star trek coming through named “Star Trek:Discovery”…

Back To The Future


Marty Mcfly, the kid who keeps on time-traveling, you know him right? don’t tell me you don’t, if you don’t then get a copy! this movie is about Time travel and it’s funny so grab a copy now and watch it!

Artificial Intelligence


This you may not now, David, he is a robot A.I. as it is called. He is the latest A.I. ever made, he can feel emotions and he is like a real human and not mecha. A family bought him because of their comatosed son, after he healed, the mother decided to get rid of him because of things he did. He left him with his teddy bear, Teddy an A.I. too. and together they find their new home and help each other.

The Martian


A story of an Astronaut who got stranded in Mars after being late in taking off. He now tries to survive in his facility, grow food for him to eat, oxygen for the plants and himself and water made by moist, he survived for a time until his facility blew up killing every plant he planted running him limited, his friends planned a rescue on him and luckily he had a rover for his travel.

Edge of Tomorrow


Another Tom Cruise Mie. this movie’s timeline is based on the future where aliens are already in the world and they’re fighting for the world. Their problem is that, Tom Cruise and the other girl keeps repeating back in time every-time they kill the boss of the aliens. They’re goal is to find the source of the boss and destroy it, it’s a fun watch.


Most enjoyable: Back To The Future

Most Famous: Star Wars

Oldest: Star Trek

Most scientific: The Martian

Most futuristic: Artificial Intelligence

Child-Friendly: Star Wars


Horror is the movie most people don’t watch, why? It’s too scary for them and it’s just too great.

6 favorites:

1. Scream

2. Nightmare on Elm Street

3. Sinister

4. The Boy

5. Friend Request

6. Final Destination


The movie where the famous (one of the famous) masks came from, you know, the phantom with the screaming mouth and white face black eyes, you’ll know it. A movie of Sid, where her boyfriend, Billy, is a serial killer (But she doesn’t know okay) and his friend too, Stuart. They now kill their classmates or teachers for fun and because they’re an addict about horror movies and they want to make their own movie. Now, it is up to Sid to stay safe and stop the villain’s schemes…

Nightmare on Elm Street


an oldie but a scary, now with their new reboot, Freddy has came back from his terrible backstory and up to kill his old students who had betrayed him in their sleep. The two friends are now up to see their backstory of what happened and their now planning to stop Freddy once and for all…

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A story of a writer of crime stories based on real stories just to get back his old best-seller he wants to get again. As he and his family stay in a house where a terrible murder had happened and abduction, he sees what happened to the family with someone taking a video of them and there are a ghost they call Mr Boogie or what it’s commonly known,  Bughuul in each film but while he’s investigating that, he had learn deep secrets and that a killer was on their family.

The Boy


A young Nanny who was supposed to guard a boy while his parents were away and she have to stay in their house and when she went there, she sees that the boy was no more but just a Doll. The mother then told her what to do and when to do it and says to her “He is really here, very much in here” and she wasn’t lying for he were somewhere in the house and he hates it when someone is messing with him…


Friend Request


A college girl extrovert who keeps adding people she doesn’t know didn’t knew that it was bad. She then were requested by a weird girl at their school who have zero friends and is so creepy, she felt pity for her and accepted it not knowing that the girl was a stalker or known as a Witch, she then lied to her and she felt angry about that so she decided to kill all her friends and hack her accounts to blackmail her and she’s going to give her burden as a witch to her until she feels what she felt with her.

Final Destination


the famous movie where somebody sees his/her death before actually feeling it. Let’s focus on the first part. A story of a school field trip to France, they decided to travel through a plane, Alex then sees a vision where he and his friends will burn after the plane had some problems and they all died, he panicked before they lift off enough for him to be pulled out of the plane involving some students he fought with or came with him. After the plane exploded, each one of them were being killed one by one depending on their seat position and they must cheat death as long as they can to stay alive causing a chain reaction to some events.


Scariest: Nightmare on Elm Street

Scariest villain: Sinister

So not child friendly: Final Destination

Makes you have nightmares: Nightmare on Elm Street

great costumes: Nightmare on Elm Street

Great story: Scream

Not so corny: The Boy

So shocking: Friend Request

There you have it, It’s Nightmare on elm Street

Here comes my Favorite

Comic-Book Based Movies

What is this? you joking me? you don’t watch Marvel or DC? You mean you visited my site called MOVIE GEEKS AND FANDOMS that is mostly about Marvel and you don’t know them? Fine! they’re movies based from comics, sound better now?! Great, Moving On!
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For this part, i’ll be picking out 10 for many movies okay:

  1. Civil War
  2. Batman V Superman
  3. Wonder Woman
  4. Man Of Steel
  5. Age Of Ultron
  6. Spider-Man Homecoming
  7. Days of Future Past
  8. Dr Strange
  9. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2
  10. Logan

    Civil War


I already did told you this right? You know, Captain America and Tony Stark battling for Bucky and Panther is there, yup, I already told you this



Although people say it’s so bad (Well I’m not saying I love it and I am also not saying it’s bad) because if the “Martha!” scene and they were like “Did we just become best friends?” and because Doomsday sucked. What I loved here was Jesse Eisenberg as Luthor, he got his smartness and his craziness. I also love the fact that this is the start of the Justice League but I wish that it was Superman at the trailer. Wonder Woman also showed here and made her first debut.

Wonder Woman


Wonder Woman’s first movie in the DCEU was still reigning as “Best Superhero movie of DC” well it is. Steve Trevor is here, Ares is her villain and Themyscira was a beautiful place. I loved it when Diana points her swords anywhere for her lack of knowledge about them but we all loved this, unless for some. I loved the fact too that this story was like about Women, it’s like saying that women are strong enough to fight battles and join wars. enough for now, some still haven’t watch this so, next time.

Man Of Steel


even though Christopher Reeves was my favorite, I’ll give this movie an 7/10. The reboot of Superman and the start of DCEU, the story as always is just the same but a bit different like Supes already know how to wear briefs inside and he forgot to smile at the end. The enemy here was Zod not Luthor and they did a good job. I gave this 7/10 because Zod and his friends was sent on the phantom zone, you know the glass-like place and that Lois already knew who Superman is before Clark got into the daily planet but like I said, I also love it.

Age Of Ultron


The sequel to the first avengers movie, like the title said, Ultron is their enemy and they met two new enhanced, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. Ultron…well…he was not ruthless as he was on comics, he was kind and funny and not even scary but it’s still a great movie and Vision came here with the mind stone and I think he’ll die in order for Thanos to get the mind stone. this took place on Sokovia which flew and left a gap on the Earth. Wakanda was also shown here and so as Ulysses, so Yeah!!!!

Spider-Man Homecoming


Done with that on the last blog so moving on to

Days of Future Past


The next movie after Wolverine where Sentinels made by Trask have invaded the Earth, endangering every mutant and every human and hiding for their safety. Logan was sent back in time by Kitty to stop the sentinels along with the past Charles Xavier, past Magneto, Past Hank Mccoy and Quicksilver and succeeded and led to a new future, the future of the movie, Logan.

Dr Strange


I don’t get why people hate this movie, the movie was great, the effects was better and the plot was at its best. The story of an injured surgeon, Stephen Strange which hands were broken and with that issue, he can’t undergo surgeries and he won’t be famous anymore. Desperate, he went to search a place called Karmataj and there he met Mordo and the Ancient One along with Wong and Kaecillius. After learning spells, he still haven’t healed because the Ancient One decided a future for him, a future where he’ll defeat Dormammu. I think that destroyed the movie due to the loss of action and fight scenes.


Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

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The sequel to the first movie and here was Ego shown and as well as Mantis. Nebula is back, Baby Groot is helping and bringing cuteness, a backstory was revealed and someone has died, who? Let me tell you! He’s Mary Poppins Ya’ll and he said to peter “He may be your father boy, but he ain’t your daddy”, what still don’t know? how about “I don’t use my mind to control the arrow, boy! I use my heart”. Anyways, this is a fun watch and so family worth it especially when you watch it with your dad, you’ll definitely cry.



The new future of X-Men where they traded one future where they all died to a new future where they all still die but although for that, a new one will continue the Francise, Deadpool!! (pun intended) Oh wait, it’s X-23 right. Girl, young, has regeneration powers, 2 claws on hands, 1 claw on foot and faster reflexes. She and a new band of muties will go continue the fox franchise and keep Mutants alive. Logan grew old with Xavier and Caliban alone on a desert after Xavier had a seizure that killed every mutant on Xavier mansion, correction, almost every, Logan is still alive or not? well they isolated themselves with Xavier until a facility took blood samples from mutants and injected it at women giving birth to mutants and they are finding X-23 and found Logan with her leading to his death. So goodbye, Hugh Jackman and find peace with you, wait, Logan died right and not Hugh? great!!


Most accurate: I don’t know but Civil War is the nearest

Great effects: Dr Strange and GOTG vol 2

Correct costumes of heroes: Age Of Ultron

Most Famous: Wonder Woman

Most favorite story: Civil War

favorite hero on movie: BVS and Spider Man Homecoming

greater villain: BVS and Future Past

Saddest movie: GOTG vol 2 and Logan

most heroes shown: Civil War

Greater fights: BVS and Civil War

greater plot: Wonder Woman

Conclusion: wow this is hard! But still, Civil War won followed by BVS, so I didn’t think that. If you’re wondering why I didn’t add Deadpool well then that will mean that every awards there goes to DP.





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