Is this the end of the Walking Dead?

After the rumors of Andrew Lincoln (Rick Grimes) exiting on season 9  and Jon Bernthal (Shane Walsh) returning on Season 9, is this the end or is one thing will lead to another? will Rick die and Shane will return? or Shane will return and kill Rick?

There had been fan fictions about Rick that he is still comatosed and everything we ever saw was a dream he had while in the hospital…that Glen might be the asian delivery boy that brings the food and medicines Rick needs to live. Daryl might be his long lost friend that was a hunter and he forgot about him. Michonne might be a nurse on the hospital that likes him and many others…

so may this theory be true? is Rick going to die on the real world and there we will see Shane and that Rick thinks he is going to be a zombie and keeps seeing shane in his visions before turning into a zombie? or Shane’s return is just a flashback or a vision on “heaven”?

if you think you know the answer, pls, reply



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