How Infinity War could have been avoided.

There are reasons why Thanos attacked now and not then, not when heroes still doesn’t exist, when no one is protecting the stones, and we are here to discuss about how things should have been avoided…

1. Loki taking the throne from Odin


we all know Odin defeated many creatures before light came, if Loki didn’t take the mantle secretly from Odin on Thor: The Dark World, Thor and Odin would have known that Thanos is on Nidavellir killing the dwarves since Odin swore them protection. With Loki on the throne, Heimdall didn’t see Nidavellir, everything was blurry to Asgard, Odin is gone.

2. Civil War


Thanos sensed that the Avengers is no more cooperating as a team, Cap gone, Scarlet Witch and Vision ran off, if Zemo didn’t grab that chance, Thanos would’ve come later than now.

3. Ego dying


Ego’s death can and cannot be agreeable…Ego is one of the greatest gods on the universe, and when Star-Lord killed him with the guardians, it raised more opportunities for Thanos to attack since one of the greats is gone although if Ego didn’t die, the Earth would still be dead so it is a 50:50 solution


4. Ancient One dealing on the Dark Side


Ancient one draws power from the dark side and that led her to her death, if Ancient One told everyone and aware, she might have survived and Thanos took longer to attack but NO…she keeps secrets that led to her death and now 3 of the greatest is now dead which means, GO TIME for Thanos

5. Thor revealing Loki


if Thor never revealed Loki as Odin, Thanos will still think that Odin is aware and that Loki is still missing but when Loki was revealed, he knew it was the right time plus the real Odin is dead, Asgard is no more, the Warriors are dead, Thor lost an eye, Thor lost his hammer so YES…

6. Loki taking the Tesseract


If Loki never took that tesseract, the stone would be flying in space sure it would be easier to get but at least Hulk won’t be scared, Loki never died, Heimdall never died and half of Asgard didn’t die

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