Zombie Outbreak survival tips

I will be discussing how Zombies may act and how you should act to survive such a threat! so sit back, relax, and Learn…




What are zombies first of all? Zombies are men that got caught with some very dangerous acid or disease, a zombie apocalypse as it may…If a Zombie is seen rising from their graves, that would be a Zombie Invasion… Now, Zombies are barely thinking men, they could only hear, walk, see and eat and by eat i mean eating you. Zombies since they are men that is diseased, they couldn’t run fast, climb buildings, catch trains. The reason we are afraid of zombies even though they walk slowly is being trapped, maybe a horde trapped you in a bathroom or a country trapped you in a street. Zombies are easy to kill but hard to do so if this may happen, a suggestion is grab anything very hard and long like a baseball bat with nails or guns, but guns might endanger you more due to the sound. Zombies can’t die unless it is a head shot.



When a zombie apocalypse happen, it is hard to think because our minds will try to comprehend that it is real and if a loved one gets caught, chances are you will stay or be shocked until zombies grab a bite…of you…
There are certain places we can all be when these happens, a school, a friend’s house, the mall, or at the roads and I will tell you the things you need to do and don’t do!

School: If you are at a school, I suggest you grab a hard book to smash a zombie’s brains with, your bag will be behind you in case someone tried to eat you. Run but don’t take off your shoes, you might leave a smell or get a disease or cut yourself and leaving a trace. It will also be important to grab a partner so you can do it side-by-side but be careful on who you trust, in these days, it is the SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST and next thing you know Zombies will not be your problem but your friends. In case maybe someone you love or like gets bit, leave them, it is hard but not as hard as dying. Find a room, a small safe room then barricade yourself, and if you need food, grab your weapon and go as fast as you can but silent and remember, having a squad is better, you can assign who will guard, who will get the food and who will help others.

House: Grab anything hard and go to a room and barricade yourself but take as much food as you can. If a family member is a zombie by then, i am sorry but you got to kill them, better safe than sorry. If a neighborhood is safe, better grab some friends, offer safety and tell them to get food, but still Quality over Quantity, some may back-stab you since it is your house, you are the boss. Assign everyone to have a job and ration the food, plus make some traps outside, maybe a chainsaw with a rope and everyone who goes will die maybe.

Mall: Malls are a crowded place, people will be running, panicking, looting, hiding, it will be hard but all you need is anything that kills, a knife, a plunger, a pole, a tv, anything and head out as soon as you can. I know it is a hard thing to do, but you need to first make sure the doors are open because if not, you are running a suicide mission. Never use an elevator or an Escalator, use the stairs!

Roads: When a zombie apocalypse happens while you are in a car, go!, go as far as you can, hit any zombie you need, no one is going to fix your car still and go to the narrow roads because Express and Highways will be crowded and not moving and if extremely needed, go to the other way, no one will be there to give you a ticket. If you are just walking, then go to an open store, take shelter, a restaurant is better for the food but be careful, restaurants are crowded most times.

additional tips:  1) if you are near a sea or Ocean, don’t think, take a boat, take some bait and food, and sail, sail in the middle of the seas if you have to. 2) Melee weapons are better than ranged except a bow and arrow or a crossbow, guns make too much noise, melee weapons such as Katanas, swords, dagger, axes or hatchets are best guaranteed.    3) Prisons and country places are best to hide at, Prisons has extreme fences, Countries don’t have much people. 4) Do NOT be choosy, this is the end of the world, being choosy for food or dirtiness will just get you killed. 5) learn how to farm! Farming can give you sustainable food and health. 6) Be vigilant in squads where you are the boss! use force like Negan did on TWD if needed. 7) use everything around you, books, glasses, caps, even toothpicks, make traps, make a long sword, just protect yourself. 8) if going out, wear 4 layers of long sleeves and a jacket and two pants, not tight, and add some tape on your limbs, so your arms and legs will be protected. 9) learn how to fight, don’t hold back, never hold back. 10) if trapped, find a high car where no zombies can climb, or a tank, if there is none, just forgive yourself for all your sins and die, there is no sense of living if 3/4 of the earth are zombies and what is the use?

That is it! have fun having a zombie apocalypse, at least no more school, no more work and no more rules! Ciao and stay safe

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